The Wicked Artist

This page is a heavy WIP!

The Wicked Artist was a DnD campaign I ran for about 1.5 years. It concluded on 14/09/2024 and was the first game I ever GMed for. It was honestly some of the most fun I've ever had.

This is more for me to share my thoughts on how to be an effective GM.

As a GM and a qualified teacher, I've discovered the two are very alike.

If you have any interest in world building, game design, and like tabletop gaming or want to give it a try, I highly encourage GMing. I've compiled my best advice as well as the resources I've created to help you get started.

Where to start

First, get a good group of people to play with. As a GM, you're facilitating the game and a big part of that is allowing the fun to happen in a game (not necessarily creating it). If your players don't appreciate that fun, drag the game down, or make things uncomfortable for you or your players, they're not worth having in your group. DnD is collaborative storytelling so if someone isn't collaborating, don't feel obligated to keep them around.

Second, establish what everyone wants from your game, including yourself. This is usually done in 'Session 0', a dedicated session before your campaign starts where everyone just talks and gets to know each other. If you have a campaign ready or even just some world ideas, you can share them now.